Defensive Driving Tips

Defensive Driving Tips

Arizona and Utah experience over 125,000 car accidents every year respectively resulting in thousands of injuries and deaths, as well as billions of dollars in economic losses. The majority of these tragic accidents are caused by traffic violations including speeding, distraction, failure to yield right-of-way, improper turn, unsafe lane change, and following too closely. To avoid the unfortunate and often devastating consequences of a car accident, drivers can learn to utilize defensive driving techniques.

Learning to be a defensive driver will not only make you a better driver but a safer one too. This article will cover a few tips for defensive driving recommended by our legal team at Esquire Law Firm.

1. Plan For Your Trip Ahead 

Before you hit the road, it is important to consider and plan for various factors that could affect the safety and smoothness of your trip. The time of day at which you are driving, the destination you are headed for, and even your mood can impact the way you and others on the road may be driving. Is it raining heavily? Do you have kids or pets in the car? Is it rush hour? All of these seemingly tiny elements can greatly affect your driving. For example, if you know that you’ll be heading out in rush hour to get your three rowdy kids to school on time, consider leaving early so that you won’t be in a rush. Anticipate that there will be stop-and-go traffic and drive accordingly. Prepare activities to keep the kids occupied while you drive. Set up navigation before you leave the house. All of these little decisions while defensive driving will keep you and your passengers safe.

2. Stay Alert at All Times

Eliminating distractions is arguably the most important thing you can do to keep yourself safe on the road. That’s because while you may be following traffic safety laws, others may not. If you are alert and attentive, you will be able to anticipate and avoid them and any other dangers you may encounter on the road. Hazards can come from anywhere. It could be another driver, a stopped vehicle, a blockage in the road, or even a pedestrian. However, if you are keeping your eyes on the road and your wits about you while defensive driving, you will be able to avoid danger.

3. Watch Speed Limits

Speeding has killed millions. According to the National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA), 12,151 people were killed in speeding-related incidents alone in 2022. While in the moment, the need to get to where you’re going may seem urgent, it’s not worth risking your life or the lives of others. Always pay attention to the speed limit and make sure you are driving accordingly. Additionally, it is important to note that you should always match the flow of traffic around you. Driving too slowly can also pose a threat to your safety.

4. Control Your Emotions

Road rage and emotional driving are the cause of thousands of deadly car accidents every year. A 2024 report from Forbes Advisor ranked Arizona as having the highest rate of aggressive driving in the US. Additionally, the Utah State government was forced to respond to increases in road rage incidents with harsher laws against aggressive driving. Road rage is never acceptable and can lead to hefty felony charges of aggravated assault or disorderly conduct with a weapon. Although it may temporarily feel good to let another driver have it, the consequences of your actions may not be worth the emotional release. Plus, anger isn’t the only emotion that can impact your ability to drive. If you are stressed out, driving might be too much for you to handle until you calm down. If you are crying, pull over immediately. Tears can obstruct your ability to see the road and think clearly. It’s important to check your emotions the second you enter the driver’s seat.

5. Eliminate Distractions

They say distracted driving is the new drunk driving. We live in an increasingly connected world. It can be hard to put down your phone or other devices even for just a moment when you are at the wheel. However, nothing is worth risking your safety or the safety of others. Distractions aren’t limited to just your phone. Your focus can also be fractured by talking to or caring for other passengers including your children, changing the radio station, or looking at navigation devices. Eating, applying makeup, or watching a show on your mobile device are all an accident waiting to happen. Before you take to the driver’s seat, ensure that you’re able to fully focus on the road by tuning out distractions.

6. Follow At a Safe Distance

We’ve all been there. You’re late to work and the person in front of you is driving slower than your great-grandmother. There’s stop-and-go traffic and it’s impossible to switch lanes. While you may be tempted to creep up closely behind the driver to prompt them to drive faster, it’s one of the worst things you can do. Let’s say the driver in front of you slams on their brakes and you rear-end them. Now you’re even later than you would have been if you’d patiently kept a safe distance. Plus, it’s difficult for even the best lawyers to prove the other driver is at fault in a rear-end collision. When it’s a rear-ending, chances are if you are the following driver, you will be at fault. Do yourself a favor and always leave a minimum of three or four seconds of stopping time.

7. Pass At a Safe Distance

Passing other vehicles at a safe distance is just as important as following with enough space between you and the other cars. When you pass another vehicle, leave plenty of space when you move in front of them. That way, they won’t feel caught off guard and slam on their breaks causing a traffic collision. Once you’ve passed a vehicle, move out of the passing lane (left lane) to allow other cars a chance to pass – especially if you are driving slowly.

8. Give Yourself Time to Brake Early

Constantly slamming on your brakes will not only cause them to wear down over time, but it can also be the cause of a traffic collision. Give yourself plenty of time to stop as soon as you see the brake light go on on the vehicles in front of you. A good rule of thumb is to always follow the speed limit and allow about 2-3 car lengths of distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. That way you will give yourself and the other cars behind you enough time to stop without causing a fender bender.

9. Expect The Unexpected

Any time you get behind the wheel of a vehicle, you have to accept the fact that an accident could happen. However, you can greatly decrease the chances of a crash happening by expecting the unexpected. For example, when the traffic light turns green, instead of mindlessly stepping on the gas, check that the intersection is clear. Even though you have the right-of-way, another driver could illegally run a red light and t-bone your car. However, when you take preventative measures by expecting the unexpected, you can protect yourself from dangerous collisions. If something unexpected does happen, remain calm. That’s the best thing you can do to keep safe.

10. Do Not Rely On Other Drivers

When driving, your number one priority is to protect yourself. While it is considerate to think of other drivers as you travel along, you should always prioritize your safety. You can never be sure that another driver will move out of the way, yield to you, or allow you to merge. Always assume that other drivers are distracted and cannot see you. Think about what you will do if another driver rear-ends you, pulls out in front of you, or runs a red light or stop sign. If you see someone driving recklessly and you can safely get their license plate number, report them to the authorities to protect yourself and other drivers. However, it is ultimately not your responsibility to control how others drive. You can only ensure that you are practicing defensive driving. 

Get in Touch with Esquire Law for Car Accident Law Services

While defensive driving is your strongest mode of action to avoid danger on the road, accidents do happen. If you or someone you care for was involved in a car crash in Arizona or Utah, you may be entitled to compensation– especially if you have suffered injuries at the hand of someone else’s negligence. The aftermath of a car accident can be devastating, but you don’t have to tackle it alone. Esquire Law’s skilled team of car accident lawyers can help accident victims pursue the compensation they deserve.

Our goal at Esquire Law is to alleviate some of the emotional and financial burdens you face after the trauma of a car accident. We will be your advocate and fight passionately on your behalf so that you can get the legal and financial compensation you are entitled to. Call us to receive legal assistance from one of our expert lawyers or fill out the form on our website to get a free case evaluation.

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