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How Much Does a Car Accident Lawyer Cost?

How Much Does a Car Accident Lawyer Cost?

Recovering from a car accident, both physically and financially, can be a stressful time for anyone. If you’ve been involved in an accident, working with a car accident lawyer from Esquire Law can help alleviate that stress. At Esquire Law, our experience can lead to the best possible outcome for your case.  Of course, you How Much Does a Car Accident Lawyer Cost?

What is Rubbernecking?

Rubbernecking is a form of distracted driving that occurs when motorists divert their attention from the road in front of them to look at an accident, arrest, or some other spectacle on or near the road. Because it results in a loss of driver focus, rubbernecking can be as dangerous as texting while driving. What What is Rubbernecking?

Defensive Driving Tips

Defensive Driving Tips

Arizona and Utah experience over 125,000 car accidents every year respectively resulting in thousands of injuries and deaths, as well as billions of dollars in economic losses. The majority of these tragic accidents are caused by traffic violations including speeding, distraction, failure to yield right-of-way, improper turn, unsafe lane change, and following too closely. To Defensive Driving Tips

What is The Difference Between a Lawyer and an Attorney?

What is The Difference Between a Lawyer and an Attorney?

“Talk to my attorney,” they might say. Or, “You’re going to hear from my lawyer!” Although often used interchangeably, the terms “lawyer” and “attorney” refer to two different types of law professionals. If you’re studying law or considering legal action, knowing the difference between them is vital to guiding your course of action. Attorney vs. What is The Difference Between a Lawyer and an Attorney?

What Does ‘Esquire’ Mean in Law?

What Does ‘Esquire’ Mean in Law?

When it comes to the legal field, knowing what various terms mean and how they’re used can be overwhelming—especially if you don’t work in the field. At Esquire Law Firm, we’re here to put your mind at ease. Our attorneys have the education, training, and experience required to navigate complex cases and walk clients through What Does ‘Esquire’ Mean in Law?

Will Not Wearing a Helmet Affect My Motorcycle Accident Injury Claim?

Navigating the aftermath of a motorcycle accident can be overwhelming—especially if you weren’t wearing a helmet at the time of the crash. You may worry that this choice could impact your ability to file a claim and receive compensation. While helmet use can affect certain aspects of your case, it doesn’t mean you’re ineligible to Will Not Wearing a Helmet Affect My Motorcycle Accident Injury Claim?

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